Si Arturo Tolentino at HINDI si Cory Aquino ang Dapat naging Presidente ng Pilipinas 1986 - 1992

1986 FACT. Arturo Tolentino was duly elected Vice President of the the Philippines in 1986. Marcos left the Palce because of the people power revolt led by the Yellow Coalition. According to the Constitution, The VP automatically becomes the President if the President dies or removed from the office. Therefore, Cory Aquino's Presidency is UNconstitutional. TOLENTINO is the REAL Presiden t from 1986 - 1992. Those who initiated EDSA 1986 violated the Philippine Ultimate Law. HISTORY Arturo Tolentino was chosen by Ferdinand Marcos as his vice-presidential running mate for the February 7, 1986 snap elections. They were against the united opposition of Corazon Aquino and Salvador Laurel. According to the National Movement for Free Elections final tally, Aquino and Laurel were consistently in the lead. The final tally showed Laurel winning by over 800,000 votes—roughly the same margin by which it showed Aquino defeating M...